SEO Online Course

- Digital Marketing/ Sales/ Service - Πληροφορική - Επαγγελματίες IT

31 Ιαν 2025 22:42 31 Ιαν 2025 22:42
SEO Online Course


Course Description:
In this SEO online course you will learn how to generate more traffic and sales through organic traffic. You don’t need to have any website programming skills, you just have to follow this step by step approach so that you create search engine optimize your different webpages and get them rank on the first page of Google for specific keywords. At the same time you will also learn what to avoid so that you don’t get penalized by Google. You will also learn legitimate strategies for building backlinks, how to perform competitors’ keywords analysis, On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO and what tools to use that will help you apply SEO in your website. At the end you will have an optional project to create an SEO article. 

By the end of this course you will be able to:
• Understand the definition of SEO and why it is important
• Know the different search engines
• Understand how the search engines works
• Know the approved and the non-approved SEO techniques
• Create an SEO strategy for maximizing traffic to your website
• Find keywords with high search volume from your potential customers
• Apply the On-Page SEO methods that it will get rank on the first page of Google
• Use the Yoast plugin for better SEO analysis
• Apply Off-Page SEO methods
• Build backlinks for better page rank
• Create a friendly SEO website
• Avoid methods that will get you penalized by Google
• Use tools for better SEO analysis
• Search Engine Dominate your sector
• Perform an SEO analysis for your competitors so that you get an edge over them
• Create a great blog that will attract readers
• Write an SEO article that will rank on the first page of Google

 Accessibility To Online Course: 90 days

  1. Upon Registration and payment you will receive the Course Notes by email
  2. Upon completion of the course you will be entitled to a 30-minute coaching session for questions and/or any other help you may need.
  3. Upon completion of the course you will sent a certificate of attendance



Lecture1. You are responsible for the success or failure of your business 03 min

Lecture2. Why Internet Marketing and Social Media are important for businesses 03 min

Lecture3. How Google Adwords Search and Display Network Can Increase Your Sales 02 min

Lecture4. The More You learn the more you earn 02 min

Lecture5. Commitment 03 min

Lecture6. Telling is not selling 02 min

Lecture7. Your Network is your netwoth 01 min

Lecture8. How to Become Digital Marketing and Sales Expert 04 min


Εκδηλώστε το ενδιαφέρον σας συμπληρόνοντας τη πιο κάτω φόρμα και θα λάβετε στο email σας όλα τα δεδομένα για παρακολούθηση του προγράμματος. Πραγματικά αξίζει τον χρόνο σας.

Αγορά: SEO Online Course

€ 98.32
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SEO Online Course...

Course Description: In this SEO online course you will learn how to generate more traffic and sales through organic traffic. You don’t need to have any websit...

31/01/2025 22:42

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