Cyprus Companies Law & Practice (15 CPDs)

- Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

20 Φεβ 2024 16:00 28 Μαΐου 2024 17:00
40 ώρες ( 10 μέρες )
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Cyprus Companies Law & Practice (15 CPDs)


This is an online seminar, funded by the HRDA and offers 15 verified CPD points by the Cyprus Bar Association.

Aims of the seminar:

  • To understand the different types of companies regulated under Cyprus Law.
  • To understand who runs the company and what the function of each organ of a company is.
  • Draft a memorandum of understanding and articles of association in accordance with the client’s needs. Drafting specific provisions for the amendment of objects and articles.
  • To understand the position of shareholders and draft ordinary and special resolutions
  • To understand the indoor management rule and the real apparent and ostensible authority and directors' duties.
  • To understand the role of members and general meetings. To be able to draft minutes, proxies and notices.
  • To understand the legal framework for the protection of minority shareholders in a company
  • To understand and describe the authorized and issued share capital.
  • To be able to undertake an increase or reduction in share capital (including applying to the court for an extension of time).
  • To understand how and be able to make changes to a company.
  • Be able to undertake an effective due diligence review of the company.
  • Understand the role of the AGM and the audited financial statements and be able to draft the relevant resolution
  • Describe the role of the power of attorney and be able to draft an effective power of attorney.
  • Understand the KYC procedures that apply to the services provided to a company in Cyprus.

Why this seminar is important for you?

Corporate Law is one of the most sought specializations of law in Cyprus. The number of candidates who prefer to pursue corporate law (either as a lawyer or administrator) has seen unprecedented growth in the last few years.

  • This course is practical. The trainer will show you ‘How’ rather than just what and you will receive multiple templates and advice on the practical application of the law.
  • There are many benefits to studying a course regarding the practical application of the law.
  • It is an excellent addition to your CV - especially with so many employers requesting experience with the practical side of company law. A qualification like this will help to prove to a prospective employer that you will be able to hit the ground running!
  • This seminar is taught by highly experienced lawyers and experts in corporate law.

Eligibility criteria and CPD Units are verified directly by your association or other bodies in which you hold membership.


Furthermore, by the end of this seminar, you will:

  • Be able to undertake an effective due diligence review of the company.
  • Understand the role of the AGM and the audited financial statements and be able to draft the relevant resolution
  • Describe the role of the power of attorney and be able to draft an effective power of attorney
  • Understand the KYC procedures that apply to the services provided to a company in Cyprus.
  • Understand the legal framework for nominee shareholders and trustee arrangements.
  • Describe and undertake the procedure for company certificates
  • Describe and understand the importance of the substance of a company (management and control).
  • Be able to draft the legal documentation for various transactions such as share purchases,    shareholders agreements etc.
  • Understand and describe the redeemable preference shares and conversions of class.
  • Understand and describe the process of dissolution of a company.

You will also be given specimens such as:

  • Approval of name/change of name
  • Memorandum & Articles of Association
  • All documentation for changing the Articles and Memo.
  • Appointment-Resignation of Director-Secretary
  • Transfer of Shares
  • Issue and Allotment of shares
  • Indemnity
  • Trust Deed
  • Increase of capital
  • Engagement Letter
  • Transfer in/out
  • Reduction of capital
  • Variation of class rights
  • Due diligence checklist/KYC
  • POAs
  • Liquidation-Strike off
  • and much more......


Lawyers, Corporate Administrators, Compliance Officers, Compliance Assistants, other professionals working in the corporate sector


Course Content

Unit  1: Introduction to Cyprus companies   

  • Introduction to the contents of the course and  explanation of organisation and obligations
  • Trainer introduction
  • Introduction to Cyprus Companies
  • Types of Companies in Cyprus / other  types of businesses
  • Advantages and disadvantages of each  type of legal entity
  • Company Incorporation
  • Company Names
  • Practical Exercise: Incorporating a  company


Unit  2: Limited Liability 

  • What is limited liability
  • Key cases – UK
  • Limited liability in Cyprus – Key cases
  • Lifting the corporate Veil
  • Adams v Cape
  • Limited liability in groups of companies  
  • Tortious liability of parent companies  for subsidiaries
  • Promoters in companies and their  liability
  • Promotors – common law position and EU  directive.


Unit 3: Memorandum and Articles of Association 

  • What is a Memorandum of Association?
  • What are Articles of Association?
  • Advice for drafting the articles of  association
  • Some issues you may want to clear up  when drafting the articles
  • Amendment of Objects
  • Amendment of Articles
  • The statutory contract
  • Enforcing the articles of association
  • A member enforcing against another  member?
  • A company enforcing against a member ?
  • A member enforcing the articles against  the company?
  • Enforcing the articles qua member
  • Outsiders enforcing the articles?


Unit 4: Organs of the Company 

  • Shareholders – definition and powers
  • The register of members
  • Directors – Types, definition and  powers.
  • Directors remuneration and service  contracts
  • Appointment & Resignation of  Directors, resolutions & Form HE4
  • Company secretary
  • Powers and role of secretary
  • Ordinary and special resolutions


Unit 5: Shares 

  • The Register of Members
  • Classes of Shares – ordinary, preference  etc.
  • Transfer of Shares – procedure and  advice
  • Issue and allotment of shares
  • Variation of class rights
  • Share Purchase Agreements
  • Drafting specific resolutions
  • Completing Form HE57
  • Group Review and discussion


Unit 6: Management 

  • The board of directors
  • Participation by electronic means
  • Indoor Management Rule
  • The ultra vires doctrine and its  application
  • Real, Apparent and Ostensible Authority
  • Practical Exercise: Case study
  • Directors Duties – fiduciary
  • Directors Duties – statutory
  • Case Study
  • Group exercise
  • Review and discussion


Unit 7: Members and General Meetings 

  • Members and General Meetings
  • Types of General Meetings
  • Notices
  • Procedure for General Meetings
  • Proxies, Minutes & Resolutions
  • EGM’s
  • The statutory meeting
  • Who can convene a meeting – notices
  • Quorum
  • Review and discussion


Unit  8: Shareholder agreements 

  • Introduction
  • What is a shareholder agreement
  • Why is the shareholder agreement so  important?
  • What happens in the absence of a  shareholder agreement?
  • Checklist of issues that should be  included in the SHA
  • Provisions in relation to the company
  • Provisions in relation to directors
  • Provision in relation to shares
  • Provisions in relation to board meetings  
  • General provisions
  • The relationship between the articles  and the SHA


Unit 9: Capital 

  • Financing of the company
  • What is share capital? Authorized &  Issued
  • Equity capital and Loan capital
  • What is a debenture
  • Floating and fixed charges
  • Advantages of using a debenture
  • Arm’s length and transfer pricing
  • Raising capital through intra company  loans.


Unit 10: Changes 

  • Change of Name Procedure
  • Compulsory Change of Name
  • Change of Registered Office, HE2
  • Transfer of Management
  • Increase of capital
  • Reduction of capital
  • Case studies


Unit 11: AGMs and Annual Accounts 

  • Annual General Meetings
  • Audited financial statements
  • Directors’ Report
  • Declaration of Final Dividend and  distribution
  • Cy Tax rules on dividends
  • Submission of annual return HE32
  • Strike off Annual General Meetings


Unit 12: Powers of Attorney 

  • What are Powers of Attorney
  • POA Drafting Tips
  • Certification & Apostille,  distinction from notarization
  • Revoking a Power of Attorney
  • Drafting Exercise and case study


Unit 13: Minority Protection 

  • The Rule in Foss v Harbottle
  • Minority protection under common law.
  • Exceptions to the Rule – (personal  rights, reflective loss
  • Statutory protection
  • Types of Suits
  • Derivative claim
  • Representative claim
  • The personal action
  • Oppressive conduct by the directors or  the shareholders
  • Just and equitable winding up
  • Case study


Unit 14: Nominee Shareholders and Trust Arrangements   

  • What is equity
  • Historical development of equity
  • The rules of equity in Cyprus
  • What is a trust
  • The structure of a trust
  • Classifying a trust
  • What are nominee shareholders?
  • The magic triangle in a nominee  shareholder context
  • The duties of a trustee
  • The liability of a trustee
  • The criteria for a valid trust
  • Cyprus legislation on trusts
  • The Cyprus international trust
  • Drafting Declarations of Trust
  • Determining the beneficiaries of a trust  
  • Registration of trusts in Cyprus law.
  • Protection of UBO’s in trust  arrangements.
  • Discussion on activity


Unit 15: certificates   

  • Registrar Certificates, Share  Certificates
  • Secretary’s Certificates
  • Incumbency Certificates
  • Group activity
  • Discussion on activity
  • Practice: Drafting an incumbency  certificate and secretary’s certificates
  • Group Exercise
  • Discussion


Unit 16: Substance 

  • Management & Control
  • Creating Substance and why it is  important
  • Ways to create substance
  • Corporate Governance
  • The EU directive.
  • Local Directors
  • Physical Meetings
  • Group activity
  • Overview and Discussion


Unit  17: Due  Diligence Exercises 

  • What is a legal due diligence  exercise?
  • Review of Internal Housekeeping  
  • Review of internal appointments  and procedures
  • Review of register of Members
  • Drafting an executive summary
  • Group case study
  • Drafting activity
  • Class discussion


Unit  18:  Prevention of Money Laundering/Know-Your-Client 

  • What is Money Laundering? 
  • EU Directive
  • Anti-Money laundering  legislation in Cyprus
  • Cyprus Bar Association  Directive
  • Collecting and Verifying information
  • Documents for corporate  entities and for individuals
  • Common corporate documents in  other jurisdictions


Unit  19:  Dissolution - Liquidation 

  • Liquidation by the Court
  • Voluntary Liquidation
  • Liquidation under the supervision  of the Court
  • Strike-off Class activity
  • Brief summary of course  material, Questions & Answers


Closing discussion



  • Approval of name/change of name
  • Memorandum & Articles of Association
  • Appointment-Resignation of Director-Secretary
  • Transfer of Shares
  • Issue and Allotment of shares
  • Indemnity
  • Trust Deed
  • Increase of capital
  • Engagement Letter
  • Transfer in/out
  • Reduction of capital
  • Variation of class rights
  • Due diligence checklist/KYC
  • POAs
  • Liquidation-Strike off

Methodology: Online Live via Zoom

Trainer: Androulla Poutziouris

Mrs Androulla Poutziouri is a qualified Advocate and a Member of the Cyprus Bar Association. Mrs Poutziouri obtained a double LLB Law degree in English and French Law from Paris II Panthéon-Assas University and the University of Birmingham. She then proceeded to obtain an LLM Degree in International Legal Practice from the University of Law in the UK. She is bilingual in Greek and English(native), with working proficiency in French.

Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Ανδρούλλα Πουτζιουρή - Founder | Director | Lecturer at ELTC

Mrs. Androulla Poutziouri is a qualified Advocate and a Member of the Cyprus Bar Association. Mrs. Poutziouri obtained a double LLB Law degree in English and French Law from Paris II Panthéon-Assas University and the University of Birmingham. She then proceeded to obtain an LLM Degree in International Legal Practice from the University of Law in the UK. Mrs. Poutziouri successfully completed the Cyprus Bar Examinations and was admitted as an Advocate (δικηγόρος) of the Cyprus Bar Association in 2010. She is bilingual in Greek and English (native), with working proficiency in French. 

Mrs. Poutziouri trained as an Advocate at the office of the Attorney General of Cyprus. Upon qualifying, Mrs. Poutziouri worked for various prominent law firms both in Nicosia and Larnaca and was actively involved in litigation, advocacy, negotiation, mediation, dispute resolution and commercial matters where she represented clients and appeared at the District and Supreme Courts of Cyprus. During her legal career, Mrs. Poutziouri has acted both for and against various financial institutions from time to time and was involved in large-scale multi-million Euro real estate transactions. In addition to her professional experience as an Advocate, Mrs. Poutziouri also entered academia as a Lecturer in Law. 

Mrs. Poutziouri brings with her over 10 years of academic legal experience, having taught the LLB Law Degree of the University of Wales and the University of the West of England. Mrs. Poutziouri was also a director and the sole lecturer at the only recognized teaching centre of the University of London in Cyprus, The Private Institute of Law, which provided coaching and tutoring for students registered on LLB (HONS) Law Degree of the University of London. Upon moving to the European Legal Training Center, Androulla has brought with her the wealth of experience in coaching and advising students completing the degree of the University of London. She has actively advised and guided law students and legal executives in all aspects of their legal education, development and career progression.

She is particularly strong in the areas of Public Law, Contract Law, Property Law, Wills & Probate, Equity and Trusts, the English Legal System, Labour Law, Advocates Law and Codes of Conduct, Jurisprudence and was recently accredited by the Human Resource and Development Agency (HRDA) in Cyprus as an ‘Expert in the field of Law’. 

Due to her extensive experience in legal education, Mrs. Poutziouri has also been accredited by leading legal qualifications providers in the UK including the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx), the National Association of Licensed Paralegals (NALP), The British Legal Center and TOLES, the leading provider of English Exams for International Lawyers & Law Students.

Mrs. Poutziouri is a co-founder and director of the European Legal Training Center and brings with her a wealth of practical and academic experience, providing academic direction, education and high-quality legal training to law students, graduates, trainees, Advocates, executives and other professionals. 

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 1000.00
  • € 800.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 200.00

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 1000.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 190.00
  • € 1000.00

Κοστολογικές Πληροφορίες

Option to pay the employer's contribution in installments. Our training center offers special prices for individuals who are not eligible for funding.


Τρίτη - 20 Φεβ 2024


16:00 - 19:15


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Τρίτη - 27 Φεβ 2024


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Τρίτη - 05 Μαρτίου 2024


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Τρίτη - 12 Μαρτίου 2024


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Τρίτη - 19 Μαρτίου 2024


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Τρίτη - 07 Μαΐου 2024


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Τρίτη - 21 Μαΐου 2024


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Τρίτη - 28 Μαΐου 2024


16:00 - 17:00


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