LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR - How to Re-think Stress in Stressful Times

- Ασφάλεια & Υγεία στην Εργασία

09 Ιουν 2020 10:00 09 Ιουν 2020 12:45
2 ώρες ( 1 ημέρα )
LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR - How to Re-think Stress in Stressful Times


In response to Covid-19, we have had to re-think many aspects of our lives. From how we work, how we school our children, how we shop, run errands and even how we socialise with friends and family. And we have achieved a great deal of success utilising our new ways of thinking and being.

Sadly, we have also been exposed to a great of fear, anxiety, uncertainty and as a result many people are feeling the effects of stress. Even now as we begin to nudge ourselves into some normality, we are facing a great of stress in relation to our health, to our livelihoods, to our future. And having heard so much about the negative impact of stress on our health and well-being, we are, ironically, also stressed about stress.

Fortunately, it does not have to be this way. It is now time to re-think stress.  Advancement in science have given us new perspective and allowed us to better understand stress. The research is positive and conclusive, stress is not the enemy.

In fact, stress can be an aid to improve our health and our overall well-being.

What is important is our mind-set of stress or our way of thinking about it.



We all have the ability to change our mind-set, to re-think our perception and approach to stress. And at no time have we needed to do this more than now.

This workshop will consider the science behind stress and help you re-think your perceptions of this, so that you can utilise it to improve your well-being as well as your performance.


The programme is suitable for anyone who can benefit from tips and techniques in dealing with stress.


Training Outline

  • What is stress – why do we believe it to be bad for us?
  • Time to re-think stress.
  • A little bit of science on stress.
  • Benefits of stress and the importance of mindset
  • Growth in times of stress.
  • A 3-step process to dealing with stress.
  • Recognise
  • Welcome
  • Utilise
  • Some tools for changing mindset


Training Style

This course is interactive in nature and participants will be actively involved, using their own experiences and challenges to reinforce and adapt the new knowledge and skills to their own reality, as well as examples provided by the trainer.


Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Λευκή Αγγελή - EQ Practitioner and Executive Trainer

Lefki Angeli, Corporate and Family Coach and Trainer, is a graduate and former practitioner in sociology and psychology and as such, she has a strong understanding of human behaviour and the motives that drive this.

During her 20+ year professional journey Lefki has worked in an array of fields including primary and secondary education, psychology, sociology, corporate market research and learning and development.

With an innate passion for human improvement and development, in all the positions Lefki has held, she has actively sought to be involved in, or entirely responsible for the training, development and coaching of those around her including colleagues and clients. As a result of this she has considerable experience in the training of business professionals of all levels and across industries and areas of specialty as well as in the teaching and coaching of children, and parents.

In addition to her experience in training needs identification and analysis Lefki has taught a vast gamma of subjects including English as a foreign language, qualitative research, emotional intelligence in the workplace and in the home, presentation skills, effective people management, effective communication, reflective listening, and many more.

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
  • € 90.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 17.10
  • € 90.00

Τρίτη - 09 Ιουν 2020


10:00 - 12:45


Λευκή Αγγελή


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : LIVE ONLINE WEBINAR - How to Re-think Stress in Stressful Times

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