Family Law Dispute Mediation Training

The European Legal Training Center is proud to offer, in partnership with the International Family Law Group LLP, of London, UK, and supported by the Cyprus Bar Association, the first Family Law Dispute Mediation course of its kind.

The course will satisfy the criteria for registration on the Family Dispute Mediators Register of the Ministry of Justice, once the Family Law Dispute Mediators Regulations of 2020 have been voted in by the House of Representatives.

According to the Family Dispute Mediators Law of 2019, to register on the Family Dispute Mediators register, professionals must complete a 40 hr training programme that is both theoretical and practical.  

Become a Registered Family Dispute Mediator

Organized By:
Organized By:

The European Legal Training Center (ELTC) is dedicated to providing high quality legal training 'by lawyer to Lawyers' along with career guidance & direction

In Co-Operation With:
In Co-Operation With:

iFLG was founded in 2007 to provide specialist legal advice to international families and their children across the Globe. iFLG have received many awards and accolades over several years for their work.

Supported By:
Supported By:

The Cyprus Bar Association is the professional body for over 2700 advocates' members in Cyprus.

Meet the Training Team

Prof David Hodson OBE QC(Hons) MCIArb
Prof David Hodson OBE QC(Hons) MCIArb

David is regarded as one of the world’s leading international family lawyers. He is English and Australian dual qualified as a solicitor. He is a mediator, arbitrator and sits as a part-time family court judge in London.

Lucy Loizou
Lucy Loizou

Lucy is the Managing Partner at iFLG. She is of Cypriot heritage and works significantly with the Greek and Cypriot community in England, becoming the ‘go to’ family lawyer for Greek/Cypriot families.

Ann Thomas
Ann Thomas

Ann is the firms Senior Partner and co-founder. She is a solicitor, civil and family mediator with specific training in working with children in mediation.

1. The tuition and design of the course is led by the award winning law firm -  International Family Law Group of London.

2. Supported and offered in collaboration with the Cyprus Bar Association 

3. Participants will gain CPD Points.  

4. Taught and designed by experienced mediation practitioners, including Sir. David Hodson (OBE, m, Family Law QC (Hons)(family law judge) and leading international family law lawyer in both Australia and the UK. 

5. Register on the Family Dispute Mediation Register once  the regulations are approved by the House of Representatives. 

6. The Family Dispute mediation regulations will allow for mediator fees of up to 5% of the value of assets of the participants to mediation. 

7. Lawyers, psychologists and social workers are all eligible to register on the Family Dispute Mediators register if they have participated in a 40 hour practical and theoretical course. 

8. The course is both practical and theoretical, based on international standards of Family Dispute Mediation. 

9. The course aims to  train Family Dispute Mediators for successful mediation in order for them to conduct themselves with precision, and professionalism in such a sensitive area. 

10. The course will provide you with all of the tools for a successful and professional mediation, including sample mediation agreements and concluding agreements. 

11. You will receive a certificate of attendance detailing what you have learnt and the skills you have developed.

The Scope of a Mediation

Family mediation is a process in which the mediator, acting as a third and independent party, facilitates the resolution of a family dispute and supports the voluntary compromise between the parties involved. The family mediator helps in communication, encourages understanding and focuses on the parties involved and their individual and common interests. The family mediator works with participants to find choices, decide for themselves, and ultimately reach a joint agreement.

The Cyprus Law on Mediation

The provisions of this Law 62(I)/2019 apply to family dispute mediation. In fact, Any mediation in a family dispute will be exercised in accordance with the provisions of the above mentioned Law.  

The Ministry of Justice and Public Order will maintain a special Register of Family Dispute Mediators in which persons who wish to mediate a family dispute and who meet the conditions stipulated in article 8 of the law will be able to register upon their request and payment of the fee specified in Article 8.  

According to article 8 of the law, in order to be registered on the Family Dispute Mediators register, delegates must undertake 40 hours training.  

The Ministerial cabinet exercising its powers given under article 43 of the Mediation in Family Disputes Law of 2019 have undertaken consultation for the Mediation in Family Disputes Regulations of 2020. 


The purpose of these Regulations is: 

To set the fee for registration on the Register for Family Dispute Mediators. 

To set the fees that Mediators can charge for undertaking Mediation 

To set the training required to be able to register on the Register of Family Dispute Mediators. 

According to the regulations: 

The training course must provide knowledge of the law, the main principles of mediation, taking into account especially the best interests of children, the avoidance of danger to the body and mind of a person, the procedure and the obligations of the parties and the mediator, and the principles and code of conduct and include both theoretical and practical training.

The Regulations have yet to be voted in by the House of Representatives. As soon as they are, those who complete this training program will be eligible to register as Family Dispute Mediators on the Ministry of Justice Register (provided they meet the criteria set out in article 8 of the Law). 

The Mediator

For proper and effective mediation the Mediator should:-

  • be educated on the theory of mediation
  • be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of mediation
  • be trained in the mediation process and proper communication techniques
  • recognize the signs of domestic violence and implement the practices and procedures  
  • be able to take into consideration the best interests of a child

In order to attend the training, participants must: 

1. Have an undergraduate degree in Law, Psychology or social work 

2. Be registered with a relevant regulatory body 

3. Exercise their profession for at least 1 year in Cyprus or abroad

4. Have been living in Cyprus for the last 2 years 

5. Must not have worked in the public sector, in any capacity in the last 2 years 

6. Not have been found guilty of a serious crime 

7. Have the relevant professional liability insurance.

The course covers everything participants need to know to be a successful mediator, including:


- The psychology of conflict: what makes people the way they do and how this will influence what we do as mediators.

- The principles of mediation: how mediation compares with other ways of resolving disputes, and how to choose what sorts of situations should be mediated

- Dealing with resistance: Getting people's buy-in and dealing with resistance and disruption during the sessions

- The structure of the mediation process

- The responsibilities of the mediator: what the mediator adds that the parties can't do for themselves, and the importance of confidentiality and impartiality

- Taking your practice forward: how you will apply your new skills, conforming to best practice, and adhering to a Code of Conduct

At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to:

- Understand the ethos of the family dispute mediation training and course methodology 

- Understand the significance of the Family EU Mediation Directive

- Describe family dispute mediation in other countries

- Understand how family dispute mediation is regulated in Cyprus and understand the contents of the legal framework

- Understand and draw upon the theories that are in use that inform the practice of family dispute mediation

- Describe what family dispute mediation is and how it can be used

- Understand the limitations to family dispute mediation

- Understand and describe the differences between traditional passive mediation and directive mediation

- Understand the role of the parties lawyer in the mediation process

- Understand, describe and adhere to the ethical basis and key principles of family mediation, in accordance with the law and best practice

- Ensuring that family mediators are able to work within an ethical and professional framework

- Develop skills to impart neutrality, impartiality and the necessary competence

- Explain the mediation structure and process

- Understand the requirement for mediation confidentiality and how to best ensure confidentiality during mediation

- Understand the requirement for a mediation agreement and be able to draft the mediation agreement

- Develop skills for the drafting of the mediation outcome document

- Develop skills for recording information and documentation during mediation

- Understand the role of the first contact with the parties and the screening process

- Understand the importance of pre-screening and the initial consultation meeting and be able to run the meeting

- Develop skills for starting a mediation session

- Develop the key skills required for a successful mediation

- Develop the key skills a family dispute mediator must possess in order to deal with cases when things get difficult (domestic violence, reluctant parties, power imbalances)

- Develop skills for ending a mediation meeting

- Develop skills to deal with unreasonable requests

- Develop skills for ensuring the best interests of the child

- Develop skills for helping the parties towards an agreement

- Develop skills for recording the mediation agreement

- Understanding the role of the mediator towards the parties legal counsel

40 hours Course over 5 days of live seminars.

Participants need the live observation and feedback from the tutor – a practicing mediator – in order to develop the skills to the required level. Secondly, the accreditation requires that you demonstrate your skills and competence to the tutor, and third, we believe that interactional skills need to be taught and developed face-to-face.


The course methodology is as follows:  

- Live face-face training in classroom

- Lecture and discussion

- Group exercises

- Small-group activities

- Practice sessions with simulated case material

- Real-life case studies

Duration of Training: 40 Hours 

Dates: 28/09/2022, 29/09/2022, 30/09/2022,  03/10/2022 and 04/10/2022 

Every day: 9a.m. - 6p.m. [Lunch Break 1p.m – 2p.m].

Location: Nicosia 


  • Total Course Fee: €2000 + VAT

  • Funding: EUR 680 

  • Total Course Fee with Funding - €1320 + VAT [VAT applied to €2000 initial course fee] 


- 2+ people from the same company 20% discount 

- Discount does not apply to HRDA funded delegates. 

- No other discounts apply to this course.

Course Materials 

- All learners receive a professional training pack for the course.

- This contains the course manual, conflict scenarios booklet, quick-reference advice cards, and our contact information for your post-course support.

- You will also receive a draft code of conduct, a sample mediation agreement, sample concluding agreement. 

Participants will receive: 

1. A sample Mediation Agreement 

2. A sample Mediation Document 

3. Practice and role play with feedback for the running of a succesfull mediation meeting. 

4. Sample Code of conduct

Participants will receive a certificate of completion of training. 

This certificate will state that: 

1. The participant has completed the 40 hours training, 

2. That the course was accredited and funded by the Human Resource Development Agency,


The course is accredited by the Cyprus Bar Association and that the participant has received 12 CPD Points. 

Participants will be eligible to register on the Register of Family Dispute Mediators held by the Ministry of Justice and Public Order, in accordance with section 8 of the Law 62(1)/2019 once the Regulations for Family Disputes Law of 2020 has been voted by Parliament and the register is open for registration at the Ministry of Justice. 

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