Στέλιος Ντότσιας

Επαγγελματικός Τίτλος:

Business Lecturer and Business Consultant at Global Training

Τομείς Εξειδίκευσης:

Λογιστικά/ Έλεγχος/ Φορολογικά

Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή

A commercially aware, hands-on senior business professional with extensive management experience and ability to take accurate and meaningful decisions in a fast paced setting.

Προγενέστερα Σεμινάρια
Financial Reporting Updates for 2020 and Beyond

The IFRSs Update seminar has been specifically developed to bring experienced preparers and users of IFRSs financial statements up-to-date with the latest devel...

09/06/2022 09:00

7 ώρες (2 μέρες)


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